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Dance On!

Love Beyond Grief

  • How do you deal with the pain of losing a loved one?
  • How can you navigate the weeks and months that follow their departure?
  • Are they really gone forever?

I understand these questions. I’ve been there. Years interrupted by runs to emergency, led me finally to nursing my beloved sweetheart at home through her final months. When she left I had no idea what to expect. I was disoriented by the emotional chaos after her passing,  and I was totally unprepared for what happened next.

Dance On!  is the book I wish I had then to guide me through those days, weeks and months:

  • It validates the experience that all who have been in my position must go through;
  • It  addresses the inevitable questions: “What happened?” “Where did they go?” “What next?”

It is a salve for the pain of loss. It has insights and perspectives that offer comfort and hope to those in grief.

It details how to sustain the presence of the one who left, and how to recognize signs of contact and messages 


"A tale of love as well as a manual on how to create it. To have a loving partner to walk through life with is one of the greatest gifts afforded a person. An equally wonderful gift is when that bond remains unbroken even in death"
Austin Metze, Artist, Poet, Author
“Dance On! Love Beyond Grief beautifully encapsulates the aspirations of End of Life Doulas, portraying one per-son’s ideal transition to death"

Jennifer Brooker, End of Life Doula Association of Canada
“Very insightful, it touches me beyond the mind”

July Howard, Person Health Coach
The first time I read the book I just cried. The second time I read it to enjoy it. The initial focus on Shera’s passing is exquisite to read, not because of the words, per se, but because of this fantastic, special relationship.


How differently would we experience grief if, instead of  “losinsloved ones,” we spoke of “sending them off?”

Refreshing concepts presented in Dance On! invite you to change the relationship you have with death and grief, by presenting a bigger context, and offering practical, and nurturing ways to transmute the pain of grief into loving gratitude.

If we were to change the lenses through which we view the world, we would change both what we are able to see, and how we see it.

Get in Touch

Do you have a story to share of love and it’s perserverance after loss?

Have you ‘lost’ a loved one and want to build the skills to maintain an energetic connection? 

© 2023 Chidakash Jordan