How can Death Be Divine?

Spirit Moves Beyond Death

There can no more challenging time in life than the time we discover someone we dearly love has died or is going to die . . . or that we ourselves have limited time left to live. Everything changes. What was most important to us up until that moment is no longer the same as […]

Now Is the Time to Talk

If we are ever to get beyond the fear we have of death we’ll have to talk about it with one another. We may be surprised at what we discover! There will inevitably come a time for each of us when Death becomes part of our life. Then, in an instant, it can dominate our […]

How Blind are We to How Blind we are?

As growing children we were unable to test what we were told, so we generally ended up accepting almost all of it without question. We saw what we were “told” to see. Whatever each of us may believe today had this as its starting point, and it was mostly unconscious. It is what can ultimately limit what you […]

Science no Match for Soul

Existence is an amazing dance of unexpected possibilities manifesting around us every day. These can come with incomprehensible complexity and precision.  When we look at our relationships and the important people in our lives, it does not take long to realize that imbedded in every relationship, there are surprising coincidences, links, and synchronicities. This can […]

Brain Training

Do you believe what you are told? Although you may think not, science has established beyond a doubt that the brain really does believe what it is told. In fact, the whole body does. That means you are programmable. We all are.  The real question is “Who is doing the telling?” We are all challenged […]

Honouring Death

In a Celebration of Life after someone has died, most people miss something. You’ve undoubtedly been to one. It’s where most people come to celebrate the life and impact of the friend or loved one who has left their body. However, there is much more to be celebrated, that most people are unaware of. Death […]

Helping the Blind to See

Have you ever noticed? Blindness is one of the conditions of being human. I suspect you too are blind to some degree. As we make our way through the events and challenges we encounter every day, this is totally understandable. Our attention is kept turned to what we are doing, whatever we can see in […]


In every year there are days that stand apart. Days of celebration. Christmas, New Years,  Easter, Thanksgiving, Valentines Day, and of course…birthdays. Each of them have their own reason for existing, but at the bottom of it, they all share a common desire of people to come together. Most of them are community or even […]

Love by Proxy

Over years all of us have become habituated to loving and receiving love through physical exchanges with the people we love. Giving gifts, massage, making love, going to a restaurant or concert. It is no wonder we come to associate loving with the body.  For 34 years I had related to Shera through the daily […]