
Chidakash enjoys awakening curiosity in people and encouraging them to view their lives as an adventure. As a young man driven by an ever present desire to discover new places and perspectives, he left his native Canada, and travelled extensively in Europe, North Africa, South Asia, Peru, and Australia.

He has always been motivated to help people find their unique voice and passion, so they can identify the gift he believes they carry within them, and deliver it into a world waiting to receive it.

Upon his return to Canada, he met his life partner Shera on an island in the west of Canada. Together they built a fairytale cedar “castle,” which became Serenity by the Sea Retreat.  For twenty-six years, they dedicated their work to supporting people in times of challenge, helping them reconnect with their passion and purpose, and empower themselves to restart their lives.

Chidakash and Shera also led people on spiritual journeys to Machu Picchu over 18 years, in their Enter the Mystery Tours. They guiding travellers along the Inca Trail and into the “mysteries” of the fabled Inca citadel—and themselves. 

Deeply impacted by the months of caring for Shera before she left, and the extraordinary contacts he has had with her after her passing, Chidakash now dedicates his time to showing how others who are facing loss, can have a different and gentler experience of a loved one’s passing, in which a loving relationship can continue beyond death.

Chidakash Jordan is available for speaking engagements and media interviews. 

© 2023 Chidakash Jordan peace@chidakashjordan.com