In every year there are days that stand apart. Days of celebration. Christmas, New Years,  Easter, Thanksgiving, Valentines Day, and of course…birthdays. Each of them have their own reason for existing, but at the bottom of it, they all share a common desire of people to come together.

Most of them are community or even nationwide events, and although, like the others, birthdays come around every year, a birthday party is unique. It is unique because it is personal; because it focusses on a single individual. That what makes it special. There is a little Child inside that is awakened at the sight of a cake and candles—especially because it is a party “just for me!”

Birthdays are an opportunity for you to acknowledge and celebrate someone, a friend or family member, and honour them for being who they are.  And of course, a surprise party is one of the most fun and has the highest impact.

But why do you wait for a single date in the year to acknowledge and love someone? Imagine if you made it possible for anyone—everyone—at random times, to be seen and appreciated. There would be parties celebrating people’s lives happening throughout the year. It would offer endless changes to bring joy into your life. It would be heart opening, community building.  It would raise your vibration.

It would mean that you would stand a better chance of staying current in your relationships. This would mean that appreciations felt could be expressed. Resentments could be put to rest. 

It would mean knowing at any time of the year, no matter what hardship or misfortune may happen, and in particular, at the time of someone’s passing, friends and family will all have the satisfaction of knowing the gratitude and appreciation they may have felt for someone has not gone unexpressed.

The more of these gatherings that took pace the more chances you would have to honour someone, rebalance relationships, connect to your heart and practice forgiveness. The expression of relationship would move to a new level, a higher vibration.

You don’t have to wait for a birthday. There’s no need to tie your celebrations to the calendar. And every party could be a “surprise” party for someone.

Let’s make this the next level of the Random acts of Kindness movement:  Random Acts of Celebration—honouring individuals and celebrating them for being exactly who they are.

© 2023 Chidakash Jordan


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